Tourist places or attractions.

Ilobasco crafts

Ilobasco is known for the elaboration of clay handicrafts in all kinds of shapes and sizes, it is considered one of the main potters and ceramics centers in Central America and the cradle of artisans in El Salvador.

As you arrive in Ilobasco, you will be able to find a variety of shops with different types of crafts in its streets, normally there are four: traditional (comales, pots, pans, jugs, flowerpots, etc.); popular (Christmas toys such as Saint Joseph, the Virgin Mary, the mule, the ox and the Three Wise Men); decorative (all kinds of ornaments with original designs); typical pottery (this is the one that makes the dolls and ornaments that represent the nature and industriousness of the Salvadoran people, including the famous miniatures.  

The effort and dedication of the artisans who with great delicacy and creativity shape each of their works is impressive. Ceramic in Ilobasco is largely due to ancient traditions and the existence of appropriate raw materials in the region.

Visit its beautiful parishes and live its religious experience

Ilobasco is a small municipality located in the department of Cuscatlán, located 54 kilometers from San Salvador, in the paracentral zone of El Salvador. This place has a very peculiar characteristic: its religious fervor and the enormous amount of history and tradition that it stores in each of its churches and parishes.

One of them is the church of San Miguel Arcángel, built in the 19th century with adobes. It has a false ceiling of clapboard and a wooden roof structure, covered with tile, supported by single, double and triple columns, each one lined by slats also made of fine wood and beautiful finishes.

As of December 1785, it is considered a parish and, since then, it has been one of the main religious centers of Ilobasco and one of its greatest architectural attractions. In addition, it is the central parish in the celebrations of the local festivities.

But, in Ilobasco, you can also find El Calvario Parish, located right at the entrance of the municipality. This parish has a modern style, highlighting in its front part the tower that is separated from the main structure.

In this tower there is a clock and the main bell, which still functions as the call signal for the parishioners prior to each liturgical ceremony. It is also one of the main parishes and has a space for tourist visits guided by religious who teach tourists the whole history of the place.

inally, you can also visit the Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de los Desamparados, located in the highest part of the city. It also has an old style with rectangular columns and a beautiful altarpiece on its main altar.

Inside it has an old pulpit. Before, it used to be a church attended by the parents of the Parroquia San Miguel Arcángel. Its first parish priest was Father Santiago Alfredis Sánchez. This is a temple dedicated to the Blessed Virgen Maria under the invocation of Nuestra Señora de Los Desamparados.

Enjoy the best gastronomy in El Salvador.

Once you have taken a tour of the historic parishes of Ilobasco, it is time to go on to taste the best gastronomy in the area, mainly in the artisan restaurants located in the central part of its territory.

Most restaurants are small and simple shops, run by locals who, apart from offering exquisite dishes, provide comfortable and pleasant attention, which gives much more flavor and delight to your stay.

The most visited restaurants are right in the center of Ilobasco and have affordable prices and delicious food, ideal to spend a moment with friends and family, before continuing to explore the beauties that Ilobasco offers to its visitors.

These restaurants also offer typical dishes and desserts in the afternoon and evening, for those who, more than a good meal, are curious to try Salvadoran delicacies cooked in the best rural and artisanal style.

la casa de la hacienda museo y parque acuatico


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